
Card Legality
  • Only English edition cards may be used.
  • All cards can be used 1 week after its official release date.
  • Players must use the same deck throughout a tournament. No switching of cards is permitted in between games within a tournament.
  • All decks must be registered via Deck Log.

The tournament is open to all players except the following:

  • Organizer of the tournament
  • Staff of the tournament
  • Head Judge of the tournament
  • Judges of the tournament

Please ensure that your Bushi Navi account has been authenticated by SMS before registering for any Regional Championship.


Cardfight!! Vanguard

Sleeves Players are required to use opaque card sleeves so that the back of the cards cannot be easily distinguished.

Oversleeves with a matte finishing on one side and gloss finishing on the other side are allowed. However, the matte finishing has to be uniform on either the front or back of the cards. Oversleeves with patterns or borders are not allowed.

Only officially licensed sleeves may be used.

Main Deck

  • Standard sized sleeves are not allowed for use for your main deck.
  • Sleeves used for all cards in the main deck must be of the same design.

Ride Decks & G Decks

  • Sleeves must be used for cards in the ride deck and G deck.
  • Sleeves must also be used for the ride deck crest.
  • You may use sleeves with the same design for both your ride deck and G deck.

Aid Items

  • You may choose whether to use sleeves for token cards, marker cards, and cards used to count energy.
  • If you choose to use sleeves, please use different sleeves from your main deck.
  • Please do not use sleeve combinations that may cause disruptions to the fight.
Aid Items Players are only allowed to use the following aid items:

  • Official energy counters
  • Power counters
  • Dice
  • Card status markers
Time-up Policy Swiss
A double loss will be issued to both players. No extra time will be awarded.

Top Cut
Players have 10 minutes to finish 3 extra turns. After 10 minutes or at the end of the third turn, whichever comes first, the player with less damage wins the game. If damage is the same, both players play until the next instance of damage is taken.

There will be no time limit for the final match.

Standard Format:
Standard will be held in a team format, with 3 players in each team. All 3 players must have unique ride decks. Players may play the same Nation as their teammates, but all cards in their ride deck must not overlap with any card from the teammates’ ride decks.

Best of 1
30 minutes/round
The number of rounds will depend on the number of players and schedule, with a cap of 9 rounds.

Top Cut:
Best of 1
30 minutes/round

There will be no time limit for the final match.

Premium Format:
Premium will be held in an individual format. (Locations will have either Premium or Lyrical Monasterio Cup.)

Best of 1
35 minutes/round
The number of rounds will depend on the number of players and schedule, with a cap of 9 rounds.

Top Cut:
Best of 1
35 minutes/round

There will be no time limit for the final match.

Lyrical Monasterio Cup (Standard) Format:
Lyrical Monasterio Cup will be held in an individual format. (Locations will have either Premium or Lyrical Monasterio Cup.)

All players must use ride decks with cards from the Lyrical Monasterio Nation.

Best of 1
30 minutes/round
The number of rounds will depend on the number of players and schedule, with a cap of 9 rounds.

Top Cut:
Best of 1
30 minutes/round

There will be no time limit for the final match.

Weiß Schwarz

Format Weiß Schwarz will be held in a team format, with 3 players in each team. All players must play a unique title from their teammates.
Sleeves Players are required to use opaque card sleeves so that the back of the cards cannot be easily distinguished.

Oversleeves with a matte finishing on one side and gloss finishing on the other side are allowed. However, the matte finishing has to be uniform on either the front or back of the cards. Oversleeves with patterns or borders are not allowed.

Only officially licensed sleeves may be used.

Aid Items Players are only allowed to use the following aid items:

  • Official center markers
  • Power indicators

Center markers must not be a card from any trading card game.

Time Swiss
Best of 1
35 minutes per round
The number of rounds will depend on the number of players and schedule, with a cap of 9 rounds.

Top Cut
Best of 1
35 minutes per round

There will be no time limit for the final match.

Time-up Policy Swiss
A double loss will be issued to both players. No extra time will be awarded.

Top Cut
Players have 10 minutes to finish 3 extra turns. After 10 minutes or at the end of the third turn, the player with less level wins the game. If both players are the same level, the player with less clock wins the game. If both players have the same level and clock, both players play until the next change of clock happens.

There will be no time limit for the final match.

Shadowverse: Evolve

Format Shadowverse: Evolve will be held in a team format, with 3 players in each team. All 3 players must play a unique class or universe from their teammates.
Sleeves Players are required to use opaque card sleeves so that the back of the cards cannot be easily distinguished.

Oversleeves with a matte finishing on one side and gloss finishing on the other side are allowed. However, the matte finishing has to be uniform on either the front or back of the cards. Oversleeves with patterns or borders are not allowed.

Only officially licensed sleeves may be used.

Players are strongly recommended to use sleeves that differ from their other sleeves for their main deck.

Aid Items Players are only allowed to use the following aid items:

  • Official token cards
  • Dice
  • Life counter
  • Writing material to keep track of life count

In addition, devices with the Shadowverse: Evolve Sidekick app can be used specifically for use of the app.

Time Swiss
Best of 1
30 minutes per round
The number of rounds will depend on the number of players and schedule, with a cap of 9 rounds.

Top Cut
Best of 1
30 minutes per round

There will be no time limit for the final match.

Time-up Policy Swiss
A double loss will be issued to both players. No extra time will be awarded.

Top Cut
Players have 10 minutes to finish 3 extra turns. After 10 minutes or at the end of the third turn, whichever comes first, the player with less leader defense loses the game. If both players have the same leader defense, both players play until the next change of defense at the end of the current turn. The player with less leader defense loses the game.

There will be no time limit for the final match.