Regional Qualifiers
Frequently Asked Questions
Are Japanese edition cards allowed in any offical BCS 24/25 tournament?
No, only English edition cards may be used in offical BCS 24/25 tournaments. Mixing of cards with multiple languages in the deck is not allowed as well.
Am I allowed to switch decks and/or change cards in the midst of a tournament?
Participants are NOT allowed to switch decks or change cards in the tournament.
Should I sleeve the cards? May I use different sleeves for Imaginary Gift markers and G units (Cardfight!! Vanguard)?
Yes, you are required to use opaque card sleeves so that the back of cards cannot be easily distinguished. Maximum 3 layers of sleeves are allowed. Only licensed sleeves are allowed.
Cardfight!! Vanguard (all formats):
Sleeves must be used for cards in the ride deck and G deck. (Sleeves must also be used for the ride deck crest)
You may freely choose whether to use sleeves for token cards, marker cards, and cards used to count energy.
If you use sleeves, please use different sleeves in order to distinguish them from your main deck. While the rules for sleeves for token and marker cards are not as detailed as the rules for sleeves for the main deck, please do not use sleeve combinations that may disrupt the fight.
You may use a combination of sleeves with different illustrations of patterns. (You may use the same for all as well).
You may use sleeves made for regular sized cards.
You may use clear sleeves as the sole sleeves.
You may use card loaders, but card loaders that are too thick may disrupt the fight, and should be avoided.
※ You may use sleeves with the same design for both your ride deck and G deck.
Shadowverse: Evolve:
You may use different card sleeves from your main deck and Evolve deck.
Am I allowed to use my own card supplies (sleeves, deck cases, playmats) in Shop Challenges & Regional Qualifiers tournaments?
Yes, you are allowed to use your own card supplies as long as they are licensed products. It is prohibited to use any unlicensed card supplies.
Can I purchase cards from other players at Shop Challenges & Regional Qualifiers tournaments?
No. Players may trade cards, but are not allowed to buy/sell cards from other players at our events.
Can I play other card games at the Regional Qualifiers?
No. Players are only allowed to play Bushiroad card games at the Regional Qualifiers tournaments, unless another sanctioned card game tournament is taking place at the same venue.
Are there any entry fees?
Entry fees may be charged at each shop’s discretion for Shop Challenges. There are no entry fees to any tournament in the Bushiroad Championship Series 24/25 Regional Qualifiers. However, players may have to pay to enter the venue if a Regional Qualifiers is held within another event which requires an entry fee.
If I am not the citizen of any countries in the region where a Shop Challenges or Regional Qualifiers is held but I am currently residing in a country in that region, am I able to participate in that Shop Challenges or Regional Qualifiers?
Yes, you are allowed to participate in any of the Shop Challenges/Regional Qualifiers, regardless of where you are residing and regardless of your nationality.
However, invitations to the World Finals will only be granted to winners who currently reside in the corresponding region.
If I have already received a Bye Card in one BCS Shop Challenges, can I participate in another Shop Challenge? If I win the tournament again, will I be granted another 1 or 2 Byes at Regional Qualifiers?
Participants may participate in multiple BCS Shop Challenges, as long as the eligibility is fulfilled. The participant may receive multiple Bye Cards should he or she wins at multiple Shop Challenges. However, only one Bye card can be used to grant a 1 round Bye for each game per Regional Qualifiers.
Can one Bye Card from one Shop Challenges be used multiple times at different Regional Qualifiers?
No. The winners of any Shop Challenges must submit the Bye Card to the Tournament Organiser at the Regional Qualifiers to receive the round Bye.
If I receive multiple invites to the World Finals, am I allowed to collect multiple participation prizes for all those formats?
No. Players who have earned multiple invitations to the BCS 24/25 World Finals may only accept one of those invitations, and will receive one set of participation prizes corresponding to the game and format of the invitation they accepted.
Aside from official Bushiroad products, in terms of supplies such as sleeves and playmats etc, what am I permitted to use at such tournaments?
Supplies from competing TCG brands are strictly not allowed. Any other supplies must be officially licensed and at least have a copyright on it.
If I have a sponsored invitation, can I make my own flight and accommodation arrangements, and seek reimbursement after?
Please take note that all tickets and accommodation arrangements will be handled by Bushiroad. There will no longer be reimbursements for such arrangements purchased by the players themselves. If changes to flight ticket dates are requested, please indicate in the form during the submission. Late requests will not be entertained.
If we do not receive the completed form by email within 2 weeks after the tournament has ended, we will assume that the invitation has been turned down and therefore the invitation will be withdrawn.

Can BCS 24/25 Bye Cards be passed down from the 1st player?
No, BCS 24/25 Bye Cards are non-transferable and cannot be passed down from the 1st player for any reason. Please note that if the 1st place winner in the Bushi Navi match history and the name on the Bye card does not match during checks by our staff, then the Bye will not be recognized.
Can PR cards only be used 1 week after they are officially released, in the BCS 24/25 Regional Qualifiers?
Yes, that is correct. PR cards are also subject to the same ruling as laid out in the BCS 24/25 Regional Qualifiers’ Format & Regulations.