BRO 2021
- BRO Regulations
- General Regulations
Random Camera Checks
Only licensed card supplies may be used
Custom made supplies that do not infringe any copyrights are allowed.
However, certain supplies may still be declined by the organizer, if it does not meet the standards stated in the floor regulation.
Officially licensed products may also be rejected if they are deemed inappropriate, i.e. partial nudity, symbols etc.
You may check if your card supplies are licensed by checking the Copyright text.
Licensed products will contain the Copyright symbol and Company’s name.
Do a Google Search on the Copyright information to check if the name is from a Media/Game company where the art is originally from.

Copyright text included “KADOKAWA”, which is the Producer for the anime “The Detective Is Already Dead” (where the character art is originally from).
All Bushiroad Products [O]
Generic Licensed Products (e.g. Dragon Shields, Ultra Pro, Ultimate Guard) [O]
Other TCG [X]
Products that include fan art (e.g. Comiket Sleeves) [X]
- First Offence Warning + Ask Players to change to other sleeves
- Second Offence Game Loss
Should they not have other sleeves to change into, they are allowed to continue playing until the top 8/16, where they will be dropped from the tournament and the 9th Place or 17th Place will move up in rankings.
How to call a Judge
2. Leave your cards in your hand on the table as well, all cards must be visible
3. Call a judge by pinging “@Judge Table Number x” (Judge Roles will be available in the Discord Servers)
4. Only proceed after the Judge has entered the voice channel
Your opponent will get to choose the order in which the piles will be stacked.
Recording of Matches
However, you are not allowed to stream your matches.
Please note that if you participate, there may be a chance that your match is recorded by your opponent for tournament purposes and may be uploaded.
Your match may also be streamed on our official channels.
Preparation Time (after pairings and before start of the round)
After the start of the round, if the opponent is still not at the table, you get a walk over.
*A walkover refers to awarding the victory to the participant whose opponent did not show up within 5 minutes after the start of the round
Each player is responsible for their own timekeeping should they miss out on the notifications and pings from the judges.
- All hand cards are always on screen (if you wish to move your hands off screen, please put the cards in your hand on the field).
- Entire Field (Deck, hand, drop zone, damage zone, memory, stock, clock, flag, order zone, ride deck, etc.) has to be visible at all times.
- Ensure all equipment are charged and functioning properly
- Ideal set-up: Camera at an angle where you can always see the player’s hands

Throughout the Tournament
Disconnected from the table: Once = Warning, Twice = Game loss
Should you face any video feed issues and want to reconnect, call a judge first before attempting to reconnect.
If the player connects, then disconnects, they have 5 minutes to reconnect before they are awarded a game loss. Players who reconnect after 1 minute will have to shuffle the deck. (For cards that rearranged the player deck, it will be a case by case basis by the Judge)
Top Cut
* Organizer of the tournament
* Staffs of the tournament
* Head judge of the tournament
* Judges of the tournament
This follows the Bushiroad Floor regulation under 1.2.3. Eligibility of Fighters Bushiroad Floor regulation PDF
Cards from expansions which are available after Sneak Preview / Pre-sale events are not allowed for use in the tournaments until the expansions are officially released.
*Kindly note that D-BT03 will not be allowed for use for Cardfight!! Vanguard Premium Format on 4-5 December.
Discrepancies between the deck list and actual deck used in the tournament may result in a penalty.
**Please note that the tournament is an open deck list format. Your deck list code will be public during the tournament.
Sleeves used for all cards must be of the same design unless otherwise stated. Clear outer sleeves may be used. However, the maximum number of layers allowed is 2. In the event the player chooses to use outer sleeves where one side is clear/gloss and the other is matte/textured, the matte/textured side should cover the front of the card (where the card art and text is found), and the glossy side should cover the back of the card.
* Please note that the above ruling only applies to the BRO2021 online events, and does not affect in-person events.
VGE-S: Ride Deck
VGE-S: You MUST use different card sleeves from your main deck for your Ride Deck.
VGE-V & VGE-P: You may choose to sleeve your Imaginary Gift Markers. However, if you do, you MUST use different card sleeves from your main deck for your Imaginary Gift markers.
VGE-P: You MUST use different card sleeves from your main deck for your G units.
・Cardfight!! Vanguard: The player with less damage wins the game. If the damage is the same, the game ends in a double loss.
・Weiss Schwarz: The player with the lower level wins the game. If the level is the same, the player with less clock wins the game. If the clock is the same, the game ends in a double loss.
In the top-cut, after 3 extra turns, the game will be decided by sudden death.
(Refer to Bushiroad TCG Advanced Floor regulation for more details)
For best of 3 formats, if the score is 1-1 after the extra turns procedure, both players will receive a loss.
VGE-S / VGE-V / VGE-P / WSE / Regulation & Formats
VGE Standard | VGE V Premium | VGE Premium | Weiss Schwarz |
Best of 1, Swiss 30 min/round | Best of 1, Swiss 30 min/round | Best of 1, Swiss 30 min/round | Best of 1, Swiss 40 min/round |
Number of rounds will be dependent on the number of participants and schedule. Swiss Cut to top 8/top 16 |
Best of 1, Single Elimination 35 min/round | Best of 1, Single Elimination 35 min/round | Best of 1, Single Elimination 35 min/round | Best of 1, Single Elimination 45 min/round |